Learning Meditation

The Art of Not Falling Asleep While You Meditate!

Try as I might, I have discovered that the art of meditation is difficult to master. That and Yoga, but that is another story! Many people have described the process as an act of conscientiously trying their best not to drift off into a 30-45 minute long sleep. While it may not sound that bad, it defeats the purpose of meditation. "Yeah I find time to take an afternoon nap, uhh I mean meditate!"

Meditation is like anything, you need focus, to take time and train the mind. A good workout will train your body and muscles to perform, while learning to meditate with mindfulness can train your mind to do all types of wondrous things. There are many different meditation techniques out there and different practices require different techniques — so just how am I going tp learn to meditate?


For the purpose of this article, we will focus on mindful meditation.  Mindfulness meditation encourages you to observe the wandering thoughts drifting through your mind.  The goal is to not get involved with these thoughts, nor to judge them, simply to be aware of each as they arise. All of which I do immediately every time. Sure, I focus on my breathing, slow and relaxed breath in through the nose and then slowly exhale through the mouth. Again and again, deep inhale through the nose and then slowly exhale through the mouth. With each breath feel how it moves through the body, focus on the sensations, the passage of air to and from the lungs.

Through the practice of mindfulness meditation, the thoughts and feelings inside easily move in patterns. Immediately once I am relaxed my mind will drift. The human tendency is to pass judgement, negative or positive, to view others with a critical eye. These same thoughts you hear when out in life will drift in and out while meditating. I find it difficult to let them go, to understand that when I do I can attain balance.

Great Resource - The Science of Mindfulness

So where do you begin the journey of mindful meditation? You start, online, a book store, youtube or an app?  There are plenty of places to learn about meditation and figuring out what works for you is the best way to have success in meditation. I am still learning this. The simplest comes from the above “The Science of Meditation”. Simple get yourself into a comfortable position, close your eyes, focus on your breath and stay there for several minutes. Just use your phone to chime when you minutes are up. There are also great resources in the app store.  Look up "headspace".  They promise to get you meditating in less then 10 days.  Though it never worked for me. Also, Be aware, it will cost you some money. I essentially abandoned it. Another way is to simply promise yourself 2-3 minutes everyday to start.

Here are some simple self starting meditation tips

  • Sit or lie comfortably while you meditate. Some have special places in their rooms or gardens.

  • Close your eyes to meditate. You may need a mask.

  • Make no effort to control the breath while you meditate; simply breathe naturally. Eventually you will focus on breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth.

  • Focus your attention on the breath and on how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation. Notice the movement of your body as you breathe. Observe your chest, shoulders, rib cage, and belly. Simply focus your attention on your breath without controlling its pace or intensity. If your mind wanders, return your focus back to your breath.

  • Repeat 3-5 times a week gradually increasing time. A good goal is to get to 20-30 minutes while you meditate.

Of course, there is never any guarantee you will not drift off into peaceful bliss, if you do, just remember you are likely not the only one!


Continue the Journey!

Please share with me stories of your journey into meditation. Reading and listening to you will offer encouragement. I recognize I am not alone and can learn from those who have already begun to meditate more.


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