Self Discovery - Being Pisces

I am a Pisces, the Most Emotional & Sympathetic of all the Signs!

Learning to completely love myself has been a roller coaster ride fraught with emotional twists and turns. Depending on the day, week or year, there was always something or someone that contributed to a whirlwind of emotions I could be feeling. Of course I realize just how this can sound to certain people. However, let me clarify, I am a Pisces, we are considered to be one of the most emotional of the 12 signs.


The Most Fluid of the Water Signs

I started learning things about being a Pisces at a young age. Always a little drawn to the mystical, I devoured information about the signs and how they related. Mostly in respects to crushes or new jobs etc. Never really looking at how these things directly effected how I loved or who I was. Recently, that has all changed. Once again I find myself turning to the stars, this time to look at who I am and what it really means to love myself.

Pisces are one of 3 signs falling under the element of water. Since as long as I can remember I have always been a water baby. So much so I once joked that I was part dolphin. Even my hotmail address, the first email address I ever got used the term dolphin in it. Now, in my 55th turn around the sun, passionate about living my best life ever, I live on an island surrounded by the Caribbean ocean while planning trips in the future that include water sports, and sun soaked destinations.

Being a water sign, the influence of this element exists all around me. Not just in my preference of locations and activities, but also in how I myself like to move through life. I have always been fluid. I like the freedom of being able to go where I need to go and be where I want to be. I never like to feel trapped, like water I move around obstacles finding my own way. There is always a way!

This is something I have been learning over and over again throughout life. Things just have a way of working out. When I was younger, often I would say “I am just going with the flow!” Which was 100% true. Rarely did I have a plan, rarely was I thinking much into the future, I was living in the moment and going with whatever came along. Making my decisions based on the moment.

Mutable and Likely to Change!

2010 Woodland Hills, California.

Change is a huge part of life. While often people struggle with change, my way has been not only to embrace certain changes, but to leap, spontaneously and without a net towards change. In fact, there are likely more circumstances then I should admit where I was the orchestrator of the changes I needed to go through to get to where I was supposed to be.

For example, my move to California. For so many years in my life I had wanted to move to SoCal. The sun the sand the surf were calling out to me. There were so many things about LA and the surrounding areas, without ever having been that I thought was cool. From the sounds of Sunset and the Hollywood music scene, the Whiskey, to the desert and the frigid nights and hot sticky days, back down to the waters edge and the salty ocean air with a hint of surf wax and sea life mixed in. California always seemed to be my vibe.

In, 2006 when my marriage fell apart I was lost, looking for something, not sure of what it was, I spent a few weeks out there and started trying to find work that would move me out there. I tried to make a few things here work, but it was clear, nothing here would work until I was able to get there. One foot in front of the other and I made the change. Since then there have been so many changes. Still love SoCal and the surf, but the sun and the sand suit me better, at least for now in Mexico.

That is the thing, in looking back at myself and seeing how I have grown, I can look at the decisions I am making now and know that these decisions may not be the same ones I would make if it was 5 years ago or 5 years from now. Every time life moves through a cycle of change, new things are forward.

Also, looking back at this specific story, so may lessons were learned directly related to the idea that things just have a way of always working out. Getting to LA was fraught with hurdles. There were incorrectly booked flights, delays at the airport, not having a place to stay, not really knowing anyone and so much more. Guess what… It all worked out. I just had to go with the flow!

You May Say I’m a Dreamer…

And I will counter with, “I’m not the only one”, because I believe, as it seems John Lennon did as well believe in some form, we are all dreamers. My only caveat is that if one of the truest traits of a Pisces is to also be a dreamer, well then I am that. I dream of things all the time, some realized and some that have lingered, leftover from childhood, while others new fresh and completely unexplored. Sometimes a dream is meant to recycle around, like the Pisces, mutable, and likely to change.

There was a dream I designed in my mind in my 20’s. After watching both Endless Summer movies, I wanted to film professional surfers as they traveled around the globe on the World Surf Tour around the globe from competition spot to competition spot. Over time this dream has evolved. At the beginning of 2022 I changed it again. So is the way of the dream until you finally go and achieve it. My dream is to surf, to live my best life ever healthy and happy! Adventuring around the world hitting up Sam sized beach breaks under the sun!

Dreams never die. They live on inside your heart and soul. Imagine getting yourself into a position where you can achieve your goals. Imagine living your dream and life is in harmony. Here is my proof. I also wanted to find a quiet beach in Mexico to live out my days working under the Mexican sun on a beach with nobody around. Over time that dream evolved. I have accomplished it. I live in a great space a short jaunt to a Pueblo Magico beach on the island of Isla Mujeres. Such is the importance of dreams, they evolve and fit different times in your life.

Chasing A Creative Passion

Pisceans are said to be creative. Passionate about the arts, I love music, painting and drawing. Sheltered in what I was taught when I started meeting new people I become immediately fascinated with their interests. From drawing styles to books, from poets to sculptures and ohh the music. I was always drawn to music. My cousin taught me guitar while he stayed with us in university. He taught me some rock and roll classics helping me get my fingering correct. Every Christmas I would ask my parents for a guitar under the tree.

Sliding Glass team Photo circa 2006

I got a few guitars over the years, and because music was in the family and friend circles, it was supported. However, getting a job and working hard did not involve being a rock star. Of course I never became a rock star, my core beliefs taught me that working was more valued. I believe that many Gen Xs felt this same thing. We were left as latch key in our pre teens and through young adulthood. As the internet emerged, and the potential to work on a small computer from home grew, this appealed to me. I would work in my office for hours on projects. Especially if I loved them. Projects like ShiverMedia and SlidingGlass. (Surf Jetski and Wake sports online magazine) This is actually one of my proudest accomplishments, as well as regrets. I should have worked harder. Passion project!

Follow Your passions. This is one of the most important lessons I am still trying to learn. Fuel the creative energies as they call you. This past 2.5 years I have really learned this lesson more, especially during COVID.

Chasing a creative passion much like being a dreamer is part of what gives our lives meaning. I look around me and I see those who are doing what they are passionate about are finding success and forging their own paths. Others I see are stuck, barely navigating life, which is how I feel at times, because I have never been as happy to create as the time of building and creating for SlidingGlass.

I am early in the self discovery stage, though I am confident I do want to know more about how being Pisces plays into the whole of Sam.


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