Endless Summer Bucket List Adventure

Top 5 Endless Summer Bucket List Adventures

Ok ok, we are starting here… these are currently my top 5 “Endless Summer Bucket List Adventures”. Each item is something I have long dreamed of experiencing. Childhood dreams, desires and plans come to life as an adult. Also dreams developed as an adult can also be thrown in.

Building a top 5 list of my top Endless Summer Bucket List Adventure was not an easy task. There are so many places and experiences out there! So for now I have narrowed that down to the following 5. Because I am Sam, Sam I am!!! There is room for these to be appended or updated as I see how each fits into life.

#1 - Learn to surf on iconic Southern California beach breaks.

The first was easiest, Learn to Surf and then surf the most iconic summer beach breaks in southern California. Ever since seeing the first Endless Summer movie, I have wanted to live my own version of the endless summer. Nothing appealed to me more than this perfect plan for an adventure based on a cult classic movie. Except, while I have boogie boarded, body surfed and paddle boarded, any time I have actually tried to surf, well I was intimidated by my insecurities, not being able to stand up and the “hetero” normative scenes out in the lineup!

So, the first task will be learning to surf, then rolling down to those iconic southern California beach break and catching a few Sam sized beginner waves. Leading up to that will require some work. I have been out of shape for some time. My core will need to be strengthened and my knees sorted out. That means moving more and dropping some of this non “dad bod” weight! It all starts with stretching and body weight work.

Check back in March, I will be heading to Cancun to take surf lessons on small beach breaks. Little Sam sized beginner waves for long boarding lessons. There will definitely be a video on this one.

#2 - Meet and speak with role models who have inspired me.

The second may appear to be off the beaten path. However vital to the development of my growing and being able to appreciate the experience of these adventures. So I’ve reached out to some of the people in this world who have inspired me to seek out accomplishing my dreams. This one will definitely take some time.

As I receive responses over the coming months and can meet up with some of these mentors and role models as I get the opportunities to meet some of these people, I will be sharing those experiences with you! One thing I will say, while there were people I looked up to when growing up, I have more role models who are younger than older. I find in fascinating that the people I admire right now are younger than I am, doing things that I only wish were available to me when I was their age.

One of. my dreams has always been to live remotely and work. Pre digital nomad I did it the best way I knew how when I moved to California. I worked from home living in Huntington Beach, but I never imagined even in the early 2000s we could have location independence as we do now.

Look for me to bring other creators, business peers, professionals in their industry and people who are my heroes/heroines to be interviewed in the coming months.

#3 - Learn to free dive for at least 3-5 minutes or more.

For the third on the list, the sun sand and surf are right back at the forefront. As a kid I can recall hours in the water swimming and trying to stay under as long as possible. I could never get better than the minute mark. I would always count the seconds, 1, 2, 3… in my head until the need for air forced me back to the surface.

When I watch YouTube videos of creators staying under the water longer than a minute I am so jealous. I would love to stay down 3-5 minutes if possible. Going down deep and watching the marine life frolic just leaves me feeling such joy inside. To do this will require some training. I will need to prepare for holding my breath long periods of time. Currently I am recovering from COVID, but once I feel lung stronger, I will start posting to Patreon the progress of my breath holding. Perhaps a chart is required.

Reaching out to the dive centres here on Isla Mujeres to find someone who can help train and spot me as learn to free dive long enough to achieve #4.

#4 - Experience great whites, reef and tiger sharks in the wild.

There has never been a time I can recall not thinking about wanting to see a live shark out in the wild! Truth is that It’s highly probable while body boarding or swimming in the oceans off the coast of SoCal there could be toothy guy in the grey suit within 100 yards of me and I never knew. Which is key. I never saw it!

I have seen sharks in Aquariums but that is the closest ever. I am obsessed with seeing a shark. Not just any shark. The goal is to experience Great Whites near Guadeloupe and in SoCal. To swim amongst black and white tip reef sharks or go to the Bahamas and see the Tigers. Obviously I would like a safe controlled experience with professionals. But, yeah, get me in the water with sharks please!

#5 - Cover World Surf League events around the world

The last item that is going on this top 5 list is very close to my heart. The goal is to revisit a period in my life where I was most excited by what I was doing. Incredibly excited and felt at home, but too afraid to own it and be myself through the process. The struggle I always have.

In my 30s I started an online magazine SlidingGlass.com about being on the water and using it as a means to create fun! Covering the adrenaline packed world of the pro wake, surf and jetski sports. I loved these sports. I have always loved surfing, this landlocked freshwater fish loved a port that was the hardest to try. Instead I opted for skating. I was decent, better on street than ramps. Either way. I loved being at the contests and shooting the athletes however, I was ashamed and embarrassed to do put myself out there again fearing the “hetero” normative, what I decided would be “judgey” energy of the bros. I failed due to my own fears of being judged. I just want to shoot the content and write about it when it moves me. So I am going to.

Don’t let your dreams and goals hang. Hurry up and add them to your bucket list.
— anonymous

Alright then, time to share! What are your bucket list items? Where do you dream of going? What do you most desire to do in life? Are you ready to live your best life ever?

Comment below tell us all about your bucket list!!!


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