Generations of Music

A Review of Music Through Generations

PREFACE: When first pondering about this idea, my thoughts were more about how a parents musical interest influences their children. I have been endlessly watching old footage my cousin had shared. Music, playing intrusments, dancing and singing were quite alive within the family. With this in mind a response to a video post on my timeline prompted a light bulb to fire. How do our own musical favourites at 16 compare to our choices now. Then I realized I could span from “boomers” to “GenZ”

I can recall being 16 years old and really feeling music. I became head over feet all about rock and roll. Songs on cassette played on repeat connected to my ears through the headphones from the Sony Walkman in the backpack. Songs that evoked feelings or allowed me to live vicariously. Actually, one of the contributors, Renee, proclaimed that music at that age “ is about longing”. I agree. The music said the words, expressed the feelings, allowed me to find me amongst all the teenage chaos.

Part 1 - GenZ, Progeny of GenX

Hayden Clipsham - Genz - 16 yrs old

Of all the top 5 playlists, this one has become my most favourite to listen to as a stand alone. What a fantastic mix of terrific new music to learn about! I completely had no idea what to expect when asking a 16 year old what her favourite music was. I am completely out of touch with current trends. Hayden was the first of the panel to submit the songs. When I sat down to watch and listen, it was just wow!

I hope you appreciate the playlist as much as I have. Keeping it in the order Hayden sent it, I suggest you crank it up and let it play out start to finish. Even better put on some headphones and crank it up. Who says you cannot meditate to loud music?

I find the vocals so interesting and unique in this song.”
— Hayden Clipsham

Agreed, the vocalist does have a unique sound. There is pleading in the high tones and This band reminded me a lot like the Raconteurs or Jack White. Perhaps a little more “You don’t know what love is” from Icky Thump. Cant place it. However, the way the guitars are arranged, I am hooked. When the guitar solo comes in there is that old blues twang of a fifties riff long forgotten but a favourite. Then the backdrop, that heavy scratching charge of the 70s metal riff. I can really hear that old blues sound that is classic rock and roll. Everyone Check out Big Thief!!

Makes me happy and want to dance
— Hayden Clipsham

Totally ashamed to admit that the only band I knew on this list was Vampyre Weekend. Not for this song though, for “Cousins”. Another great song from Hayden. What I really liked about this one was the way the drum beat “bam bam bam” (which is carried throughout the song) brings in the chirpy little baseline of this overall upbeat song. Yes! There are parts that definitely make your feet move!

3. Kilby Girl - the Backseat Lovers

Who doesn’t love some British guy singing about a hot girl he met?
— Hayden Clipsham

Exactly! Who does not love a song with a British guy, who has a vocal that reminds me of “Foster the People” or in some arrangements, like The Strokes. The high strings of the guitar during the chorus really lend to the urgency. The guitar is raw and edgy. What makes a great song? For me it is almost always about the guitar and the melodies, this one has both. Plus that big heavy stadium build up into the solo. I find the multiple layers of guitar tracks through the solo really give it depth. After all the loud rock sounds in comes a nice little flowing acoustical fade out. Check out this video and tune by The Backseat Lovers

4. Motion Sickness - Phoebe Bridgers

Her lyrics are so deep and dark. Fun fact: her songs use an Elliott Smith chord which makes her music so emotional.
— Hayden Clipsham

This song and the voice is very ethereal. You can totally hear the Elliot Smith influence. Her song writing is brilliant. As for the music. I can hear influences of Sara McLachlan, the intro and chorus arrangements reminds me a little of that Wallflowers song “One Headlight”. The deep bass start is what really gets that sound. My favourite lyric is “Why do you sing with an english accent?” At first I thought this was one of my least favourite songs from Hayden’s list, however I am wrong. The more I listen, the more I am liking it. Have you listened to Pheobe Bridgers

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