Breakfast - The Most Important Meal?


Are You Getting A Complete and Balanced Breakfast?

Getting a complete and balanced breakfast is a priority goal I have set for this month. Part of that includes not eating it before 10:00 am, and choosing to eat foods that come from trees. In December I met a fellow who put some interesting ideas in my head regarding eating with by following the sun.

Consistently failing at breakfast, over the years I have learned to ensure I get the most healthiest foods first. Just like the trees which are first to receive energy from sun, breakfast is the fuel that wakes the human engine up and gets us moving. Trees produce all kinds of wonderfully nutritious foods, these same foods are said to be the best or when you rise.

That first cup of morning coffee, the bean is from a tree, breaks the night time fast. The fast of the night is broken by drinking coffee. Seeing how much I enjoy food, you would think after 16 hrs of fasting it would be the first thing on my agenda. Sadly, not so. I prefer to wait until after 10am before I eat. Which means calories cease to be consumed after 6pm.

Why breakfast is so important. Essentially you have just gone the longest period your body goes without fuel. During this time your body has been processing all the food you consumed the day before. When you awake your body needs the fuel to metabolize glucose, or blood sugar, all day. Prolonged fasting, leads to a greater boost in hunger hormones.


Drink Raw Fruit & Vegetable Smoothies

Loaded with fresh fruit combinations that set your palette and body alive with energy.

What are some of the components of a healthy breakfast?

To live a lean and healthy lifestyle, I have found that beginning my day predominantly with food that comes from the trees. So there is the shot of Apple Cider vinegar Apple Walnut Oatmeal or a Banana Smoothie. Both of these contain food from trees. Why food from the trees? Well…

Last December, I happened upon a gentleman running an AirBnB experience in Ojai California. I was quite taken with the way he spoke of life and food. You can view a the Pizza Experience on my youtube page. Anyways, When he spoke of his eating philosophy, he talked specifically how the body’s circadian rhythm is tied to the environment and if we follow the sun in our eating habits, our bodies actually process the nutrients better.

It all starts with breakfast. As the sun comes up over the horizon and you begin to rise yourself, start with water, the early mornings dew. The first thing the sun touches as it rises is the tops of the trees. So think apples oranges etc. Many trees in different areas produce fruit or nuts and this is where is it suggested we look to compile our first meals of the day. I will be researching and writing more on this in coming blogs.

You can also read about the delicious green smoothie recipe here! It's really tasty start to the day. #wholefoodplantbased

Read's great breakfast foods for weightloss article. Packed with real foods like blueberries, oats and bananas you can easily modify a number of these with paleo, vegan or gluten free options. Remember the key is to find the real food options that best suit your lifestyle.

That's it for this breakfast. Wake up start your day with a hearty healthy one.
Best of luck on your path to Lose Weight and Be Fit!


Defeated By Poor Eating Habits


Fresh Morning Greens