Fresh Morning Greens


Do You Struggle to Get Your Fresh Greens?

You are not alone. Eating an abundance of fresh green foods can be challenging, especially when so many processed brown foods exist. The easiest way I have found to start getting the raw greens in early in the day is with a super green apple smoothie. Just one of a number of smoothies I have experimented with recently for breakfast boost and lots of nutrients.

The freshness of a crisp granny smith apple cut into nice little bite size pieces mixed with some fresh coconut water, frozen fresh baby spinach and 5-10 mint leaves. (You should grow these in your home garden) Combine all the ingredients in your favorite blender and pour into a cold glass. The full recipe is below.

Take your blender of choice, (mine is the Ninja Blender) combining the following ingredients

Note: the following serves 1
1/2 cup frozen green apple slices.
1/2 cup frozen baby spinach
1/2 teaspoon spirulina (green blue algae)
5-10 mint leaves
coconut water (coconut milk or plain water are also good)

For additional flavours you can add an avocado or some nut butter. Notice I am adding the foods from the trees to this. All apart of my quest to learn from the earth and the sun and eat what mother earth has provided for us. All natural, grown from trees.

Blend the ingredients up in your blender until they are the consistency you like. Pour into a cold glass and enjoy.

You know me, I think there ought to be a big old tree right there. And let’s give him a friend. Everybody needs a friend.
— Bob Ross

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