Lose Weight Be Fit - Part 2


If I thought I had been unkind to myself and my body in the past, well the last 18 months of COVID are the worst. My body has been through its second highest ever weight and at 53 years old is struggling to keep up. On fact there are days I feel the unhealthy habits, the lazing around in a desk chair or bed are going to put me there permanently.

How bad is it you ask? Well, at the highest I was 325lbs. As recently as 5 years ago I was 247lbs. Today I am about 300lbs. (currently do not have a scale until end of September) This is actually down from 315lbs in March when I lost 17lbs poking my nose under 300lbs and going back up to 310lbs in July. All of this has shot my blood pressure way up, my stomach does not react well to many foods and I barely move. Boo Whooo, right!

NO! I need to kick myself in the ass and remind myself just how strong my body is and how well it recovers when I treat it with kindness. In May and June I lost almost 20lbs. It was not difficult, the opposite in fact. So why did I fall off the wagon again? Simple really! Wanting what I want in that moment, not thinking about the ramifications. Take out food and television is a slippery slope for me. It provides a sense of comfort, though I am not sure why. Therapy is supposed to help root out what it is that I am doing when I make these choices. Protection? Fear? Something…

YES! It Is Time For A Change

Change, it seems is never easy, specifically change to the diet while implementing a good exercise program. Changing from that of a junk food addict to healthy fresh ingredients that bring forth the things a body wants to thrive and live in health. In my condition, the weight, activity level right now, there is no chance of being the authentic me. Maybe that is the negative dialogue that also needs to change. However, there is also the realists voice. My body is strong, but it is time I stop abusing it so we can heal together.

Back in late April I started 2 minutes of walking every hour and by May that ramped up to 3 minutes. After a few weeks the time increased to 5 minutes and every so often I would add knee strengthening interval work or some body weight exercises. Soon the step count was up to about 7.5k. That did not last. Now I am at about 1.2k daily if that some days.


CHANGE #1 - Start moving 3 minutes every hour 6x a day. (5 minutes by September 30th)

Movement will be focused on improving the mobility in my knees. There are a few knee strengthening exercises that help keep basic mobility day to day. The goal is to be able to walk a couple of kilometres a day without feeling like an old grump through the night. This is in addition to regular daily activity.

CHANGE #2 - Drink more smoothies and eat more vegetables. 60% of daily food intake Aug 23 - Sep 30th 2021

YES! Adopting this will help me immensely. Well, Tara will help with that as well. At this point there is little trust that the best decisions are being made while I am alone. Nothing worse for inner dialogue than broken promises to yourself, repeatedly!

So, hello change, nice to meet you. So looking forward to the wonderful things you will bring.


I own the mistakes I have made in the past and feel ready to give a little control to others. My partner, Tara. Anyone reading this who wants to offer constructive suggestions and most importantly, to myself. The truth is to live a life true to myself, these changes need to be made. Accountable to myself first and foremost.

Somedays it is difficult to look at myself in the mirror and not feel remorse for my weakness. Being more in the moment, more aware of myself and how I am feeling, understanding the triggers that send me to eat the junk.

Welcome to Sam's journey! Choose to follow me, to praise me, to chastise me, I am prepared for it all. I am prepared to come out of lockdown changed


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